Wednesday, April 13, 2011

in search of the perfect sponge 2

Yes, I'm still looking for THE perfect sponge cake. Nope, I haven't given up yet, just taking a break from sponge cake. (There is a limit to how many sponge cake you can give away, ha) So imagine my delight when I saw this recipe on CRUMMB> Is this it?? Is this what I've been searching for? I HAD to try it. But alas, it turned out dry cause I over baked it. Again! But otherwise, in the words of KK, the taste is there but the texture, erm... Looks like I need to try this again. So, how do you salvage a dry sponge? Easy, frosting and trifles.

Perfect sponge from CRUMMB (changes in red)

The only ingredients needed:

4 eggs, separated (each egg to weigh 60g without shells)

120g castor sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

110g plain flour

70g melted butter (must be hot when added to batter)

And all you have to do is:

1. Using a hand-held mixer, whisk egg yolks till smooth. Add 20g of the sugar and vanilla and continue whisking until yolks puff up and the colour turns very pale - like the lightest shade of peach – and doesn’t turn any paler (about 2 mins).

2. In another bowl, whisk egg whites until soft peaks form. Add the remaining 100g of sugar and whisk until stiff peaks form.

3. Fold egg whites into egg yolks until just combined. Just use a rubber spatula.

4. Sieve in flour and fold in gently. Add in hot melted butter (to be safe, pour down the side of the bowl so it won’t agitate too many air bubbles) and fold in gently and quickly.

5. Pour into 8-inch round pan and bake at 190 deg C for 30 minutes. When done, cake will shrink by a few mm but still stand at a beautiful 2 inches.

6. Then look up Chef Alex Goh, wherever he is, whomever he is, and thank him

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