Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tiramisu layer cake

I wanted to try the chocolate genoise from Rose's Cake Bible. Hence, decided to make it into a tiramisu layer cake.

Tiramisu layer cake

First, bake the chocolate genoise (recipe from The Cake Bible). I did not change anything from this recipe and the chocolate genoise turned out perfectly moist and soft.

Then, make the coffee soaking syrup by adding 1tbsp of kahlua to 6tbsp of cooled espresso coffee (2x nespresso espresso).

Followed by the mascarpone whipped cream
6 egg yolks
1/3 cup castor sugar
½ cup brandy/rum
250g mascarpone cheese
400ml heavy whipping cream
1.5tsp gelatine melted in 3tbsp water

Whisk (5-10mins) egg yolk, sugar & rum in bowl over simmering water until thick to make zabaglione. Keep whisking even when removed from water till it cools down. (to avoid making sweet scrambled egg)

Add gelatine mixture to zabaglione. Whisk well to combine. Whisk mascarpone in standmixer for 30sec, add zabaglione (room temperature) and whisk till combined. Keep in fridge.

In separate bowl, whip cream to stiff peaks. Gently fold into above mixture.

Finally, assemble the cake.

Torte the cake and slice it into 2 layers to fit into 8inch cake ring. Place 1 cake layer into cake ring and sprinkle 3 tbsp of coffee syrup. Put 1/2 of mascarpone whipped cream on the cake layer. Repeat with the 2nd cake layer. It will come up to almost the top of the 3 inch high cake ring. Seal the top with cling wrap and place cake in fridge for 24hours for the flavours to meld.

To serve, remove cake ring and dust a layer of cocoa powder on the top.

Tasting notes & learning points: The cake turned out nice and soft and light. However, there seems to be lacking the oomph flavour. Will consider putting 4tbsp of syrup per layer instead the next time and maybe add some rum in the whipped cream. The flavour of rum was very strong initially but seemed to disappear by the second day. Or, maybe add some baileys to the coffee syrup.

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