Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chocolate surprise (lemon) cake

Made this for E's birthday today. It turned out surprisingly well except for the glaze. I say surprisingly because I came up with this myself. Hee ;-)

So the layers are as follows: (from the base)
1. German chocolate cake (1cm) made from Rose's heavenly cake with 200g instead of 300g of sugar and 1 extra egg as the eggs I have are rather small
2. Chocolate praline layer (0.5cm) adapted from Pierre Herme using 50g dark chocolate, 200g nutella, 15g butter and 1 +1/3 cup feuilletine
3. Thin layer of chocolate mousse using 70% valrhona, cream, milk, 1 tbsp each of rum & Cointreau
4. Frozen lemon cream (0.5cm) courtesy of Pierre Herme
5. Thin layer of chocolate mousse
6. Cake 1cm
7. Remaining mouse 1cm
8. Chocolate lacquer glaze from RHC

Next time, I'll use valrhona 64% for the mousse instead or maybe try the mousse recipe from either Pierrre Herme or Hidemi Sugino.

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