Sunday, April 7, 2013

Earl grey tea creme brûlée

Smooth, deeply scented and flavored by earl grey tea and absolutely delicious

Makes 6 servings, adapted from Pierre Herme.
450ml whole milk
1 tbsp loose earl grey tea
4 large egg yolks
75g sugar
80ml cream

1. Centre rack in oven and preheat to 220F/100C
2. Bring milk to boil in saucepan. Stir in the loose tea, remove from heat, cover and infuse for 4 mins. strain milk to remove tea leaves.
3. Place the rest of the ingredients in a mixing bowl. Drizzle in the milk while whisking continuously.
4. Pour custard into ramekin via fine sieve to remove bubbles.
5. Bake for 45-60mins or until knife inserted in the centre comes out clean.
6. Chill for at least 2 hours before serving.
7. Sprinkle light brown sugar over chilled custard and caramelise sugar just before serving.

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